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Steve Wynn & The Miracle 3

Release Date: 2005
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  • ...tick...tick...tick

Album Notes:

I was hanging out with my band. We're called the Miracle 3. Well, that is, they're called the Miracle 3. I'm called Steve Wynn. Always have been. Anyway, we were hanging out in a diner in the wee hours sometime after one of the 500 or so gigs we'd played together since the 21st Century began. We had already talked about the show, the choice of songs on the radio station, how many orders of fries would do for the table. That kind of stuff. That led us to heavier things like where we would record the next album. Ideas were kicked around. New Orleans, Singapore, Helsinki, Cleveland, my living room.

"Why don't we just go back to Tucson," I asked.

Now, Tucson was where we had made our last couple of albums. And those records--"Here Come the Miracles" and "Static Transmission" respectively--had kicked up a bit of a fuss. They were seen as my--oh, I dunno--fifth or sixth comeback, resuscitation from the dead since I made "The Days of Wine and Roses" with my old band the Dream Syndicate back in 1982. There was gold in them thar hills and I wanted to go back and dig for more. I liked the idea of putting an exclamation point on what would turn out to be some kind of Desert Trilogy.

But if Miracles was cocky, sprawling and swaggering and "Static" was moody, nervous and dangerous, I wanted this one to push the boundaries in a different direction. I wanted this album to be one that separate the wheat from the chaff, the men from the boys, the faint of heart from their wallets. I wanted to go back into the desert and battle the blinding heat with the dizzying neon glare that we would bring from New York. The Arizona haze short-circuited by the frenzy of a New York minute. Louder, harder, sicker, freakier, more hopped up on goofballs than what we had done before. I wanted this record in a way that, well in a way that we had been doing on various stages for the previous few years.

And that was that. Ten days in Tucson just like the last few times. The eternal search for the perfect goat taco, going head to head with co-producer Craig Schumacher in his personal playpen of forgotten gear aka Wavelab Studios. And we got what we wanted--a direct translation of the sounds and heat and chemistry and tension and occasional release that four people can reach when they've shared vans, stages, hotels, thoughts and memories for four years. This record was US. This was OUR MUSIC. This is the Miracle 3. No guests, no ringers, nobody hidden behind the screen (aside from my buddy and crime writer extroardinaire George Pelecanos who makes his songwriting debut as the lyricist of "Cindy, It Was Always You.")

And the title? Well, I wanted to convey the sensation of post-millenium panic, of a clock ticking and of a furious, unsettling race against time. I think that the songs and performances all reflect the frenzy and exhilaration of behavior modifications that occur when you have your eyes on the second hand and your hands on the volume controls of an Ampeg Reverbrocket amplifier, a rock and roll arms race of sorts. Me, I don't bother with time or looking at the clock. It only slows me down.

Steve Wynn


The third release in the "Desert Session" trilogy, folllowing the critically acclaimed Here Come The Miracles and Static Transmission.

the Miracle 3 :

Linda Pitmon : Drums

Dave DeCastro : Bass

Jason Victor : Guitar

European release date : Oct 10, 2005

US release date : January 24, 2006

Track Listing

Item 1: cd
# Track Title Play
1Wired Wired
2Cindy, It Was Always You Cindy, It Was Always You
3Freak Star Freak Star
4Killing Me Killing Me
5The Deep End The Deep End
6Turning Of The Tide Turning Of The Tide
7Bruises Bruises
8Your Secret Your Secret
9Wild Mercury Wild Mercury
10All The Squares Go Home All The Squares Go Home
11No Tomorrow No Tomorrow

Album Press

  • Sun Herald

    1. "... tick... tick... tick," Steve Wynn & the Miracle 3 (Down There Records): Steve Wynn's output over the past few years has been amazing., and this guitar-driven finale to his "Tucson Trilogy" is no exception.
    posted: 2007-01-06
  • PopMatters

    ...Tick ...Tick ...Tick is an early contender for one of the strongest rock records of 2006...more
    posted: 2006-03-15
  • Austin Chronicle

    With 11 tracks of rock goodness, it's difficult to point to highlights, but the Bo Diddley-on-acid "Killing Me," pure pop hooks of "Bruises," and melancholy "The Deep End" are three prime slices of what Wynn and the 3 are capable of. more
    posted: 2006-03-10
  • No Depression

    ...Highlights here are many, but the group is at it's best on the two-part album closer "No Tomorrow", a monster of a guitar extravaganza and the closest thing to hope heard on the record...more
    posted: 2006-03-01
  • Philadelphia Weekly

    Live MusicSat., Feb. 11, 9pm. $5. With Teenage Prayers. World Cafe Live... Tick ... Tick ... Tick just came out in the U.S., but the ex-Dream Syndicate frontman and his band have been pounding songs like jangle rock "Freak Star" and distortion-hazed "Killing Me" since a series of molten performances at last year's SXSW. All that practice-the band's been togethermore
  • Boston Globe

    The third in a trilogy of triumphs, ''tick" is a lit fuse of a record that recalls Wynn's Dream Syndicate days of wine and roses yet doesn't coast on nostalgia.more
    posted: 2006-02-02
  • Toronto Globe and Mail

    The clock is ticking, but Steve Wynn sure doesn't sound like he's under any constraints, time or otherwise.....Seems like singer-guitarist Wynn is having the time of his life. more
    posted: 2006-01-31
  • Metro Times / Detroit

    1. Steve Wynn & The Miracle 3 ...tick... tick... tick (Blue Rose): Issued in Europe, this is a rock 'n"roll pipe bomb wrapped in plastique and dipped in gunpowder.more
    posted: 2006-01-04
  • Rolling Stone

    Wynn has made his own kind of "Layla," with all of the scars showing.more
    posted: 2006-01-23
  • Sun Herald

    Fans of radical guitar noise, thoughtfully cynical lyrics and carefully sculpted songcraft should snag "... tick... tick... tick." (4.5/5)more
  • Have Fun Online

    3/10 : ..tick...tick...tick :
    Wynn is 45 years old, but he
    shreds guitar like he’s half that
    age during “Wild Mercury” and
    the Bo-Diddleying “Killing Me.”
    But behind all the impressive riffing
    and feedback are tuneful
    songs about creeping anxiety.
    Secret weapon: the rock-steady
    drumming of Linda Pitmon.more
    posted: 2007-01-08

    Criminally overlooked for the last twenty years, Wynn has never made a bad record (and he's made a ton of em). This one may be the best yet!more
    posted: 2006-12-05
  • The Philadelphia Inquirer

    "Bruises," Steve Wynn. Dream Syndicate vet picks himself up from the floor, rocks out like The Who.
    posted: 2006-12-12
  • Toronto Star

    ..."No Tomorrow" is a two-part, eight-minute tour de force in which hooky pop is laced with slicing guitar digressions...more
    posted: 2006-11-01

    Take my word for it, ...tick...tick...tick is essential for lovers of the rock alternative, rock with heart and soul and for those who need to believe that rock "n"roll is still vibrant and relevant and yes, here to stay... more
    posted: 2006-03-09
  • Hybrid Magazine

    There's nary a less than stellar track on this whole record. It blasts out of the gate with "Wired"'s buzzsaw guitars and distorted vocals....more
    posted: 2006-03-09
  • High Bias

    ...Wynn and the 3 find the beauty in chaos and shove it right in your face. Brilliant stuff...more
    posted: 2006-02-27
  • http://www.columbiaspectator.c

    Prolific Musician Churns Out a New Album With the Miracle 3Cathartic (adj): 1. "The feeling just before everything explodes." An alternate definition could read, "...tick...tick...tick, the new album by Steve Wynn and the Miracle 3."Well, at least that's how Steve Wynn would define cathartic. "It's a pretty intense thrill-ride roller-coaster of a record," Wynn said."Wired," the opening track, mimics themore
    posted: 2006-02-17
  • Philadelphia Inquirer

    On Saturday, he held out hope that one day faith would be rewarded (and enemies avenged) on "There Will Come a Day" and confronted middle age while sounding none the worse for wear on "Bruises."more
    posted: 2006-02-13
  • AllMusic

    .Wynn's willful loss of total control has benefited him in spades....DeCastro's bass enters about a minute in, and propels the guitars as Pitmon accents every line as if it were the gospel truth...Victor is a guitar monster...guitar playing by Wynn and Victor sounds like an outtake of Television's "Marquee Moon," moving over the red line until it becomes its antithesis...more
    posted: 2006-01-31

    A quarter-century or so after achieving his highest profile as frontman for L.A.'s Dream Syndicate, Steve Wynn continues to show that there's life beyond the Paisley Underground. more
    posted: 2006-01-24
  • Pulse

    An excellent addition to the Wynn catalog, a genuine gem of an album and a must-have for fans of music that gives a shit. Buy it!more
    posted: 2006-01-11
  • MusicBox Online

    ... in essence, it is the culmination of his own career resurgence ...more
    posted: 2006-01-00
  • Shepherd Express

    ... The man and his latest band, Miracle 3, seem to be on a roll again with
    ...tick...tick...tick ...more
    posted: 2006-01-19
  • Harp Magazine

    ultimately ...tick... tick... tick is more than the sum of its geographical parts. It's a frenzied primal scream, a rock 'n' roll IED set to blow through today's postmillennial unease. more
    posted: 2006-01-00
  • Americana UK

    ...this album will be lapped up by Wynn fans and for the songs "The Deep End" and "No Tomorrow" is well worth a purchase for fair weather followers.more
    posted: 2005-11-21

    Not something to drop on at a party, this record requires and deserves your full attention.more
    posted: 2006-01-19
  • The Celebrity Cafe

    Steve Wynn & The Miracle 3 is a great match; Steve found a band that compliments his style perfectly. more
  • Americana-UK

    Opening with "Wired" the band blister through a punked up Dylanesque frenzy, two minutes of amphetamined rock energy. "Killing Me" has a killer Bo Diddley beat driving Wynn's lyrics which again have a Dylanesque quality although on this occasion it's Dylan as seen through Kim Fowley's mondo vision.......more
  • musikexpress

    Straight noise with heart ripping melodies! ... at least as hot as the front cover chili ... sounds as if Neil Young had been playing with Velvet Underground, than again as if the Queens Of The Stone Age would have surprisingly started writing and playing songs ...more
  • BT.NO

    The closest thing Steve Wynn comes to his own past with in the Dream Syndicate.more
    posted: 2005-10-26
  • TubaRec

    ... Some of the best work Steve Wynn has ever done ...more
  • BiB

    The ex-DREAM SYNDICATE chief with grand (and loud) completion of his ' Desert' Trilogie.more

    Steve Wynn maakt nog steeds geweldige soloplaten. Weliswaar is zijn gitaargeori?nteerde popsound vandaag de dag lang niet zo baanbrekend als in zijn tijd met The Dream Syndicate, toen hij een van de belangrijkste vertegenwoordigers van de zogeheten paisley underground-stroming was. Die tijd is zo goed als voorbij en Steve Wynn is nu vreemd genoeg een gevestigde naam in de kleinemore
    posted: 2005-10-23
  • Svenska Dagbladet

    Steve Wynn and his Miracle 3, makes noise when demanded.[in swedish]more
    posted: 2005-10-19

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